Agriculture & animals

  • +256 700225423 Livestock and cattle weighing scale

    +256 700225423 Livestock and cattle weighing scale

    Agriculture & animals Kampala (Central) March 5, 2024 Check with seller

    • Eagle weighing systems Heavy-duty livestock scale for weighing medium to large-sized animals. It is the perfect weighing equipment for farm livestock such as cows, horses, cattle, goats, sheep, pig, us on ; +256 700225423 +256 787089315

  • Cattle weighing scales for cows, sheep, goats

    Cattle weighing scales for cows, sheep, goats

    Other Kampala (Central) June 22, 2021 Check with seller

    A veterinarian or animal handler in a zoo might make recommendations for caloric intake based on an animal’s weight. For more details please contact us on ; +256 700225423 +256 (0) 787089315 Or email us